I am currently a fifth year PhD candidate from the Department of Statistics and Data Science at Yale University, and I am so honored to be supervised by Prof. Harrison Zhou.

Previously, I obtained my bachelor’s degree from School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University (2015.9-2019.6). I have wide research interests including statistics, data science and generative AI. My research goal is to design efficient and provable algorithms, to deepen the statistical understanding, and to provide new perspective for practical machine learning problems. Recently, my main research interest lies in score-based diffusion models.

Selected Publications






Before 2019


  • 6/2022 - 9/2022: Worked as a student researcher at Google AI in the Lux Group advised by Ankur Parikh, Ran Tian, Lei Tao and Behnam Neyshabur. During the internship, I studied a new version of T5 encoder-decoder language pretraining models, and apply them to natural language generation and protein generation, showing much better performance.

  • 9/2018 - 12/2018: Participated in an internship of Microsoft Research Asia in the machine learning group advised by Weidong Ma. Using reinforcement learning and imitation learning to solve combinatorial optimization and transportation management problem.
  • 9/2018 - 6/2019: Researched, as a research assistant, the “environmental policies analysis” program and being in charge of coding and natural language processing. Collaborated with Dr. Yingdan Lu from Department of Communication, Stanford University and Prof. Xiao Tang from Tsinghua University.

Selected Awards and Scholarships


  • Selected as a Nathan Hale Associates Scholar for the 2020-2021 academic year.
  • Awarded the Fan Family Fellowship for the 2020-2021 academic year.
  • Silver Medal (rank 7/50000) in Alibaba World Mathematics Contest.


  • Received Outstanding Graduate Award of Peking University.
  • Received an annual department scholarship, university scholarship and Excellent Students Awards every year during undergrad study. Awarded Guanghua Scholarship in Freshman, Fangzheng Scholarship in Sophomore and Yizheng Scholarship in Junior.


  • In S-T. Yau College Student Mathematics Contests, ranked 3rd and awarded silver medal in the “Applied Mathematics and Computational Mathematics” category, also awarded gold medal in Team Event (rank 1st).


  • First Prize in the Chinese Mathematics Competitions (rank 9/100000).
  • Selected as a Degree 3 table tennis player.
  • Awarded Degree 9 in Sudoku.

Before 2015

  • Gold Medal in Chinese Mathematics Olympics, and being selected into the Team Selection Test.
  • Being invited to Russian Mathematics Olympics, and winning Gold Medal.